Success Stories

"Freedom House has not just changed my life they have given me a new one."


I grew up with a lot of chaotic behavior in my family.  Even at a very young age, I recognized that there were a lot of problems in my family. My mother and father suffered with many addictions and mental illnesses, so my grandparents had to play a big part in raising me. I found love, acceptance, and security in them, though the chaos was always there. I adored my grandfather; he was my father figure. I was 19 years old when he died. When I lost him, my world came crashing down and created in me a completely broken heart. I had experimented with a variety of drugs by this time in my life, and it was at this point I began to abuse them.

I had no idea where this path would take me. I didn’t think that far ahead. I just needed not to feel anything, and the drugs helped for awhile.  Eventually, instead of making the pain better, the drugs created more pain and more problems.

For 12 years, I rode the crazy train of addiction.  Finally, I reached my bottom when I ended up in jail. There I realized how lost I was, without anyone or anything to help me. I cried out to God from the depths of my despair and He delivered me and led me to Freedom House.

The day I walked into the door of Freedom House, I knew it was going to make a difference in my life. But Freedom House has done more than make a difference; they’ve helped create a miracle. God has restored the desolate places in my life through the love and support of the people involved. I have never known love like I’ve experienced here. My future looks bright and exciting to me as I continue my walk in recovery, one day at a time. With the help of God and all the staff and volunteers of Freedom House, I have achieved more goals in my life than I ever imagined possible.

They have been the vehicle God used to bring me to deliverance, restoration and healing beyond my wildest dreams!  Because of Freedom House, the life I lived until now is not the reality my children will know, and I will always be so very grateful.

Freedom House has not just changed my life; they have given me a new one.